How to lead a balanced life while studying for a postgraduate degree?

Today, we want to talk to you about boundaries and mental health. Because it is important to understand and manage the levels of stress that are generated by the continuous pressure and demands to which doctoral students are exposed.

During the years of study, it is essential to know how to set limits, have a balanced life and, in addition to this, follow a good diet and exercise plan; that ensure the student manage and drain stress efficiently to be able to face the pressures of the doctoral career.

In addition, to have healthy study techniques and habits that allow a constant rhythm to be maintained over time. Remember that a doctorate is very similar to a marathon, where it is better to have a constant rhythm and a lot of discipline, than speed.

Seek to arm yourself with student advisors, research partners, and plenty of support from family and friends so that you can achieve your goals and maintain a balanced life. It is very common that, during investigations, students spend long periods isolated and with little outside contact. Somehow you must seek, even for short periods, to break this isolation to maintain a balanced mental health.

It is crucial to be attentive to symptoms that may be letting you know that something is not right, especially in times when pressure is the order of the day.

We share a list of symptoms that could be indicating depression / anxiety to detect it in time and take action.

In addition, we mention a series of recommendations to apply in order to manage episodes of stress that affect your health:

1. Set priorities. Decide what needs to be done and what can wait and learn to say no to new tasks if you are overwhelmed.

2. Stay in touch with people who can provide emotional and other support. Ask friends, family, and community or religious organizations for help in reducing stress due to work responsibilities or family issues, such as caring for a loved one.

3. Take time to do relaxing activities that you enjoy like reading, yoga, or gardening.

4. Avoid obsessively thinking about problems. Focus on what you have achieved, not what you have not been able to do.

5. Exercise regularly. A moderate walk of just 30 minutes a day can help lift your spirits and reduce stress.

Remember that the point of a Ph.D. is to get to the finish line, no matter the speed. Fulfill your dreams of improvement and be part of the evolution of society.